far cry3 blood dragon
far cry3 blood dragon


Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

AKick-AssCyberShooter.There'sonlyoneforcepowerfulenoughtostopanarmyoframpagingkillercyborgs,mutatedscientists,metalsharksandviciousBlood ...

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Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

Blood Dragon is a retro-futuristic parody of 1980s action films, cartoons and video games, and takes place on an open world island. Gameplay · Plot · Development · Reception

Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is a stand-alone expansion pack based on the world of Far Cry 3. It was was released for the PlayStation 3 on April 30, 2013, ...

Far Cry 3

評分 4.5 (15,748) This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of Rex Power Colt, a cyber-commando tasked with neutralizing his former commanding officer.


這是2007 年而地球已被90 年代爆發的核子戰爭所毀滅。東方與西方的鬥爭已經肆虐數個世代,而人類依然掙扎著要在這災難性的十年之後發展進步。新的和平之道必須被建立,而美國 ...

Don't attack me, but in my opinion far cry 3

My reasons are: soundtrack is dope, enemies have cool designs, cool synth wave style, and the weapons and effects are great, ...

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

A Kick-Ass Cyber Shooter. There's only one force powerful enough to stop an army of rampaging killer cyborgs, mutated scientists, metal sharks and vicious Blood ...

購買Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon

歡迎來到一個充滿80 年代未來世界觀的世界。時間是2007 年,您將扮演身為Mark IV Cyber Commando 一員的Rex Colt 中士,並受命消滅一群不再受控制的生化人軍團。您的任務很 ...

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon - Launch Trailer

Harness the power of the 1980s as FarCry 3: Blood Dragon emerges on PlayStation Network, PC and Xbox Live Arcade! Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on ...

Far Cry 3

立即加入Ubisoft SEA 粉絲團http://www.facebook.com/UbisoftSEA 】 時值2007 年,玩家將扮演雷克斯.寇特(Rex Colt)中士、一位馬克四號網絡指揮官(Mark ...


BloodDragonisaretro-futuristicparodyof1980sactionfilms,cartoonsandvideogames,andtakesplaceonanopenworldisland.Gameplay·Plot·Development·Reception,FarCry3:BloodDragonisastand-aloneexpansionpackbasedontheworldofFarCry3.ItwaswasreleasedforthePlayStation3onApril30,2013, ...,評分4.5(15,748)Thisisafirst-personshooterinwhichplayersassumetheroleofRexPowerColt,acyber-commandotaskedwithneutralizinghisfo...